Table of Contents
- The Re-design of Delivery:Complementary
and Integrative Medicine
- IntegratingComplementary
- The Name Game
- World Health Organization:
Study on the Extent of Utilization
- The key components of a complementary
medicine project are already in place in most of your
- The largest nightmare in the
integration of complementary medicine: The credentialing
of providers who are not yet within the system !
- New England Journal
of MedicineSeptember 17th, 1998 vol. 339, #12
- The Challenge - Integrate
- Complementary and Alternative
Medicine - CAM
- Complementary and Alternative
Medicine - CAM
- Alternative therapies:
- Pressures in the System
- Pressures in the System
- Driven by public demand, mediated
by 3rd party
- Utilization Surveys
- Findings
- Findings
- Health Futures Forecast
- Chronic IllnessJAMA, C.
Hoffman, et al, November, 1996
- PPT Slide
- Medical Error - Iatrogenic
- CAM in US Health Care
by the Institute of Alternative Futures for the NCMIC
Insurance Corp and the National Foundation for
Chiropractic Education and Research , 1998 Findings:
CAM methods will -
- CAM in US Health Care
by the Institute of Alternative Futures for the NCMIC
Insurance Corp and the National Foundation for
Chiropractic Education and Research , 1998 Recommendations:
- A Few Cases
- In 1990, Eisenburg et al, 1
- In 1990, Eisenburg et al, 2Some
of the therapies studied:
- In 1990, Eisenburg et al, 3The
less frequently discussed points:
- Journal of the American Medical
AssociationMay, 1998, vol. 279, pgs 1548 - 1553
- Alternative Medicine:What
do people really want?
- What are the most important
complementary services?
- Myths and Failures
- Most important Component of
Alternative Medicine Program?
- PPT Slide
- PPT Slide
- PPT Slide
- 70%of disease is preventable
Healthy People 2000, DHHS, 1991, #91-50213 National
Center For Health Statistics, DHHS, 1992, # 92-1232
- Medical visits - 65% could
be handled through self-care, 25% require contact
with a provider (no visit), 10% require an office
visit (physician or nurse practitioner). Health
Decisions, Demand Management Donald Vickery,
- Archives ofInternal MedicineStress
& Heart DiseaseBlumenthal, et al, October,
1997Duke, National Heart Lung and Blood
- Ornish Programfor Recovery
from Heart Disease, Prostate Cancer, etc.
- Malignant melanoma - a review
of numerous studies on self-care, fewer deaths, fewer
recurring cases. UCLA General Hospital Psychiatry,
Fawzy, FI, 5/94
- P.H.A.S.E.SPersonal Health
Action Strategies and Evaluation System
- PPT Slide
- PPT Slide
- Rich resources already in place:
- Phased Implementataion -#1
- Phased Implementataion -#2
- Phased Implementataion -#3
- The easiest, cheapest complementary
medicine initiative
- Best Cases
- Multi-disciplinary team
- There is a major difference
between complementary medicine programs that are Isolated
and Paralleland those that areAuthentically
- Where do CAM providers go structurally
within the system?
- Truly new paradigm, integrated
- Customer Flow, Health Based
- Monday Morning
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